
The Transitional Program is designed specifically to assist homeless veterans eighteen years and older. Before admission, the veteran participant will be required to agree to the policy and procedures of the program. Veteran participants agree not to use drugs and alcohol. In addition, they agree to actively seek employment and permanent housing during their tenure. Supportive services include single room assignments, hot meals, and mental health and employment counseling. As a program goal, workshops are designed and developed to assist the veterans with the eventual reintegration into society. Sports, recreational and spiritual development are also available. Veterans are assigned specific responsibilities as it relates to the care and the maintenance of the facility. In addition, each veteran is required to pay a monthly maintenance fee. The Transitional Housing Program provides temporary single room housing and supportive services for thirty (30) previously homeless veterans and is funded in part by the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Grant and Per Diem Program


The Single Room
Occupancy Programs (SRO)
goal is to assist veterans with maintaining an achieved level of independence and stability. Eligible veterans receive permanent housing and supportive services based upon their assessed level of need and progress. SRO participants are required to provide their own meals and practice housekeeping.